Mastodon Tracks In New Britain
The Impracticality of Modern-Day Mastodons
directed by Jake
produced by Johnny Peifer
Hole in the Wall Theatre, New Britain
Aug 2, 2014
(closes Aug. 23)
The Impracticality of Modern Day Mastodons is one of the best pieces of theatre available in Connecticut this Summer, catch it if you can.
Two keys to making a puppet work with actors in a live
production are the small movements of the puppet and how well the human actors
respond to and react with the puppet.
The current play at the Hole In The Wall Theatre, directed by Jake
Williams, manages to fulfill both of those requirements. Lisa DelCegno as the voice of the beast is
wonderfully sympathetic and brings the giant puppet to life
The Mastodon was made by master puppet maker and Kinetic
Sculpture Artist, Ann Cubberly. The
shimmering “skin” of the mastodon, and the many small movements made by the
three puppeteers imbued the beast with both personality and emotional
responsiveness. I found myself comparing
the piece to War Horse, that I was
lucky enough to see during its run at Lincoln Center.
The premise of Mastodon:
“what if our childhood dreams came true?” opens up endless possibilities for
development. Director, Jake Williams and
his cast explore the possibilities of Teagle’s script with insight and
Williams has DelCegno, the mastodon, who is the most fantastic
character, play it most closely to realism. While the other actors’
performances are more wild and surrealist.
The individual performances run a spectrum of acting styles. Vickie Blake, as the headhunter, Delores, turns in an-over-the
top performance reminiscent of Phyllis Diller at her most manic. Abby Auden, has a great sense of character
and is unflappable on stage. At 11 years
old, she is a star in the making. Brett
Aiello, as the boyfriend, has a prosecutorial glare in his portrayal of the
James Bond dreamer. Jill Ann Dvorsky
doubles as a news reporter and a temptress; she is a laugh a minute. Joshua Ives also doubles as Pat St. John and
Paleontologist 1. He makes a strong
contribution to the cast. Reading from
front to back, puppeteers Rob Ecker and Nicki LaPorte are sensitive and
understated in their manipulation of the giant Mastodon.