Testimony: Connecticut General Assembly Appropriations Committee 2/24/14

Bye, Representative Walker, and Members of the Appropriations Committee:
Thank you for the
opportunity to testify today, and for the hard work you do in trying to keep
Connecticut both financially solvent and a place where families can raise their
children with hope for the future. My name is Edmond Chibeau and I teach
writing in the Communication Department of Eastern Connecticut State
University. I am here to testify
regarding Transform CSCU 2020.
On the Transform
CSCU 2020 web page the vision statement states that:
“Connecticut will
have a high-quality, accessible, and affordable post-secondary education that
enables students to achieve their life and career goals and make Connecticut a
place of engaged, globally competitive
The Board
of Regents Goals call upon the schools of higher education to:
innovation and economic growth.”
commend you on your work and I embrace the vision and goals of the Board of
Regents. But the devil is in the details.
If we
are to have a higher education system that supports the people of Connecticut
the system must be funded and that system must have the autonomy to create
programs that respond to the needs of the people.
I have been working with a group of dedicated scholars to develop a major in New Information Technologies at Eastern.
I am
impressed with the dedication of my colleagues and with their knowledge of how
new digital technologies can be taught and what the trajectory of such a
program might be.
But we have neither the budget to hire professors nor the funds to continue their education at conferences. It is difficult to keep up to date in the field. It is a challenge to find funding to go to seminars because only a small number of our requests for travel are funded. Going to a conference is often only possible if the professor is going to spend his or her own money to get there. This does not appear to be the case at the University of Connecticut.
the faculty has autonomy we are able to develop a cross-departmental major in
new electronic technologies.
We are trying to
give the students of the Connecticut State College and University System an
education that is in step with the world of the 21st century.
To do that we
need enough professors to inspire the student population, and those professors
must be familiar enough with their field to keep their students apprised of
current trends in business, employment and research.
I am not too many years from retirement; the funding I am asking for is not something I will be able to use, but is for the intellectual improvement of the faculty that will come after me, and the students they will teach. And finally, if we believe that education enriches the whole community, then the strengthening of the CSCU system will make Connecticut “a place of engaged, globally competitive communities” where families wish to live, contribute, and raise their children.
Where I teach, in
the CSCU system, we call that, “Civitas.”