Anton Chekov Writes Presidential Debate
Presidential Debate as Theatre
16 October 2012
Hofstra University
Hofstra University
Chekov writes the debate between Obama and Romney. “Any idiot can face a crisis - it's day to day living that wears you out.”
Meme-wars play out in cyber theatres across the technosphere. The plebiscite gives the edge to Obama, but spin doctors will keep the ball in play.
Guns don’t kill people, unmarried mothers kill people.
The candidates strut and fret their hour upon the cyber-stage and then are heard no more.
When Obama suggested that Romney was not prepared to bring enough women into the work force and companies didn’t hire enough women Romney replied that, “I received binders full of women,” who might make good managers during his time in the private sector.
Before the debate was over the URL for binders full of women had been purchased. It was taken by Bradley Beychok, the campaign director of the liberal PAC American Bridge.
You can find out who owns what URL at the registry WhoIs. He bought BindersFullofWomen dot com and BindersFullofWomen dot net.
The rhetoric is measured in Tweets per minute, which is politically more desirable than revolutions per minute. The Republic is secure when the people speak.