
Edmond Chibeau looks at performance and theatre from the avant-garde communication perspective

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Location: Mansfield, Connecticut, United States

Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Disappearing Text by Eterna Cadencia

The Book That Can't Wait
Eterna Cadencia
Publication becomes as ephemeral as a live performance.  The Argentine publisher Eterna Cadencia is publishing books in disappearing ink.  The first book in disappearing ink is a collection of several Latin American authors.  It sold out the entire press run on the first day.  (I wish I had one.)  The books are shrink-wrapped in plastic.  Once the book is opened the ink begins to decay.  Within two months the text is gone.  We are left with a book of blank pages.  (I hope the readers will then refill the pages with their own ideas.) 
The book introduces several new authors, but if you want to read it you must finish the book within two months of opening it for the first time.  It is called, El Libro que No Puede Esperar, (The Book That Can't Wait).
Eterna Cadencia is a book-store-restaurant-publishing-house.  I suggest a new title for them, Eat This Book.


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