
Edmond Chibeau looks at performance and theatre from the avant-garde communication perspective

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Location: Mansfield, Connecticut, United States

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Spirit of Broadway: Benedict Arnold

Squandered Opportunity or Beginning of Change

In the In the Norwich Bulletin on Tuesday 10 July 2014 Ray Hackett chided the town of Norwich bigwigs for not supporting a play with roots in their town.  He spoke about how the arts, especially the performing arts, can be the vanguard of a town’s revitalization.The key to transformation of a community is often in the arts.  Ray Hackett’s critique of the absence of city government at the opening of “Benedict Arnold: The Musical” at the Spirit of Broadway theatre is a point well taken. To develop its profile Norwich must make a concerted effort by producing more plays, musicals, and more exhibits about Norwich. The theatre should experiment with different lengths of shows and different kinds of shows. It should repeat successful works again the following year. There must be continued support from the town.  
“Spirit of Broadway” must produce more Norwich related material and members of city government must offer ongoing support.  One-and-done is not the answer, but developing a community that supports its arts and knows its history can make all the difference. 


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